January 17th 2024
Thurs, 1 Feb, 2024 St Brigid’s Day Concert Celebration at 7pm, Carlingford, Co Louth

Come and join us in celebration of St Brigid’s Day on Thursday, 1st February at 7pm at Carlingford Heritage Centre in Carlingford, Co Louth! There will be music by Cathie Ryan & Matt Mancuso, Zoë Conway & John McIntyre, the Scóil Naomh Lorcan traditional orchestra, along with stories from local historian Seamus Murphy and hands on St Brigid’s cross making demonstrations. You can take your cross home with you to invoke Brigid’s protection and inspiration for the coming year! St Brigid’s birthplace is very close to Carlingford, so this day is always an important one in the community. We hope you can come and join in!
Ceiliúradh Lá Fhéile Bhríde’ – Adm €5
Carlingford Heritage Centre, Carlingford, Co Louth
Cut and paste the following EVENTBRITE URL into your browser for more info and to purchase tickets: